About Karen Cox

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So far Karen Cox has created 6 blog entries.

Deaf Families

2020-04-16T10:33:20+01:00By |Activities and Programmes, Blog, News and Updates|

Young Moray BSL Users Climb New Heights Together On the day that a sign language interpreter was used at a Scottish Council meeting for the first time, we ran a taster session for Deaf families and took a group of young BSL (British Sign Language) users from Moray rock climbing. Whilst the Council’s Communities Committee were debating their new BSL Plan; we were kitting out the group with their harnesses and helmets and heading out to Cummingston, where the young people were all going to spend the day rock climbing and abseiling with our Outdoor Instructors, Chris, David and Gemma. Having just joined our [...]


2022-03-09T15:59:26+00:00By |Blog, Fundraising, Thank you|

Lossie 250 A team of 18 cyclists from RAF Lossiemouth, took on a charity bike ride around the North East 250 from 4th to 7th June 2018, raising money for MFR Cash for Kids and Outfit Moray.   They set off from RAF Lossiemouth at 9am on Monday 4th June and returned, three days later, at 3.30pm on Thursday 7th June, having stoppped at Balmoral Castle, Douneside House and Ballindalloch Castle, to name just a few. This page will shortly be updated with all their photographs and a video of their incredible efforts but, in the meantime, there is still time to help them reach [...]

Moray Young Competitive Climbers

2020-04-16T10:31:28+01:00By |Blog, News and Updates|

Moray Young Competitive Climbers selected for Scottish Youth Team The Moray Young Competitive Climbers have been busy with selection again. As some of you will remember, five of the eight Moray Young Competitive Climbers were selected for the Scottish Youth Development Squad in February and so, on 24th March, the five young climbers from Moray Coast Youth Climbing Club, Natalie Taylor (16), Will Bain (12), Duncan Brown (11), Rhys Taylor (10) and Lorna Brown (8) joined climbers from all over Scotland at the Edinburgh International Climbing Arena in Ratho to compete for spaces on the Scotland Youth Team. With over seventy young people taking part and [...]


2022-02-25T12:45:17+00:00By |Fundraising, Thank you|

Scotmid Co-operative Community Funding Award We are extremely grateful to Scotmid for their recent community funding award of £250 to purchase buoyancy aids and our CEO, Tony Brown, was delighted to receive a cheque from Bishopmill store supervisor, Robert.  It is vital to make sure all our safety equipment is in good working order and replaced when necessary, so any extra funding we receive towards these costs is always very gratefully received, particularly as Grants and Trusts fundraising is our main source of income at Outfit Moray. Our Grants and Trust Fundraiser is kept constantly busy sending out applications, not all of which are successful, [...]

Thank you Rhys and Jen

2020-04-16T10:31:28+01:00By |Fundraising, Thank you|

Thank you to Jen Price and Rhys Griffiths A huge thank you to Jen Price, who organised a social mountain bike ride for the girls of Flow Riders in December 2017 and used to to raise funds for Outfit Moray by holding a raffle on the day.  They raised £50, for which we are extremely grateful for and for their time and effort! Using the outdoors to raise funds for outdoor learning and adventure was a perfect way to go, thank you ladies! In December, 13 year old Rhys Griffiths joined Trustees, Claire and David Alldritt, on their [...]

AGM Award for Chief Mechanic

2020-04-16T10:33:20+01:00By |News and Updates|

AGM Award for Bike Revolution Chief Mechanic At Outfit Moray's AGM in November 2017, the inaugural 'David Smailes Outstanding Contribution Award' was handed out. David Smailes sadly passed away this March and had been our Voluntary Finance Director on the Board for almost 5 years. David left a legacy to Outfit Moray in the form of a donation to use as wesaw fit, so the board decided it would be fitting to create an award in his name, to show recognition and appreciation of the commitment that individuals have towards the Charity, much like David himself. Board and staff members were asked to [...]

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